I think I am slowly getting Isabelle used to sitting on the posing stool. It takes several props to get her to sit still or smile. With kids you have to work very quick and have things all ready to go, before you get them in the studio. She actually snuck out and came in before I was ready to have her, so I probably lost a couple of minutes of attention span. I recently got some new gels for the studio lights and was testing them on Max. They are very vibrant as you can tell. Anyway, if anyone is actually reading my blog...please respond in the comment section. I would love to hear from you. God Bless you all! Kirk
Yes, I read your blog! First of all, the kids are gorgeous! :) and photos are fabulous. I'm so glad Crystal commented on one on facebook so I could see them. I kind of determined you were into photography, but had no idea how into it and how good you are! I would love to get some family outdoor, casual, but professional photos done before Brian leaves in Sept/Oct. We'll have to talk! Congrats on your newfound gift! And, yes, God is good!!! I'll be praying for great success for you!
Thanks for commenting and dropping by Betsy! I would love to get pictures of you all in the fall. Hope to see ya then! God Bless you, Kirk
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