I thought Id put up a couple of the shots I took of the girls tennis team that I coach. The girls were so fun to work with. I actually had to stop taking pics for a couple minutes because they cracked me up! We wanted some tennis balls to be flying around in the background, so I had a girls stand behind the one we were shooting and had them throw tennis balls off of their racquet. The balls went up in the air and ended up landing on the girl's heads. You can click on the picture of the tennis players to see it FULL size.
Hey Mr. P!!! Those pictures are so cool!! Of course we are fun to be around :) Thanks for an awesome season!!
Thanks for visiting www.kirkpullenphotography.com You were/are alot of fun to be around! I am really gonna enjoy having such good spirited people on the team for three more years. Even though we didnt get much practice in this year, all of you have really learned alot and improved so much. I may not have the team photo ready for your CD's that Im giving you by Tuesday. I may just have to give you the CD a week late. It gets busy around here!!! Thanks for stopping by! MR. P aka "Captain Kirk"
Captain Kirk!!!! Ok sounds good...if it takes you longer than you expect, that's fine. I'm just blessed to have a "professional" photographer as my tennis coach!! Oh, thanks for the grip, too!! Today's match was lots of fun and I can't wait til the tournament!!! I'm looking forward to these next three years as well and don't worry...I WILL practice during the off season!
hey captain kirk the pictures are awesome! I have had so much fun this year in tennis, i hate that it is already over with but i am going to be back next year and it is going to be so much fun!
Hey Kristen,
You and Lea are the dynamic duo on the team...like batman and robin.peanut butter and jelly...malibu barbie and her jeep. lol Im not sure about that last one. Anyway you are good friends and you are friendly and fun people. My kinda folks!! Glad you played tennis with us. We'll get alot more practice in this year and we'll take you to the STATE competition by your senior year!! Best wishes!! Captain Kirk
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