This past weekend I attended the Tots-Teens workshop by one of the best photographers in the industry. Sandy Puc held a 6 hour seminar in Raliegh at the Hilton. I have to say that she is not what I expected and I learned alot of from her. Her appearance was something I first noticed. She walks out in Knee high-high heel black boots, with black tights, a black skirt, a blue and black blouse and a black sweater. Sandy or "Sam" as her close friends call her, has black hair with a red strands of hair falling on one side of her face. She definitely struck me as a different kind of person. Thats not a bad thing, she s just not the kind of person I see a whole lot of in my little plot of earth. I was amazed at some of the things she has accomplished, especially the fact that she employs 27 full time employees with her studio. She has a tour bus the size of Rhode Island. She only works 4 days a week and has 10 children who visit her while she is on her workshop tour. She had alot of great tips for working with kids. If you get a minute, you might check out her website. I dont know anyone who takes better pictures of kids than her. A real inspiration to me!